La collecte est terminée. Merci pour vos soutiens !
Pour nous contacter, vous pouvez nous laisser un commentaire dans la zone dédiée de cette page, nous suivre sur Facebook, ou retrouver notre site internet.
For € 10.00or more
A curious future builder:
An invitation to the premiere of the documentary with us
Our eternal gratitude and full of inspiration to change the world !
For € 25.00or more
A caring future builder
An invitation to the premiere of the documentary with us
Access to the digital version of the documentary
Our eternal gratitude and full of inspiration to change the world !
377 of 400 available
For € 50.00or more
A vested future builder
A random and custom task to perform accompanied by its little « kit Mission Sens Commun » + all previous rewards
285 of 300 available
For € 75.00or more
A music lover future builder
The CD of the soundtracks of the documentary to give inspiration at home + all previous rewards
299 of 300 available
For € 100.00or more
A famous future builder
Your name in the credits and acknowledgments of the documentary + all previous rewards
289 of 300 available
For € 200.00or more
An active future builder
A day of citizen action to do with us of a topic that interests you ! (Water, food , energy, waste , democracy , community life ...) + all previous rewards
299 of 300 available
For € 500.00or more
A great future builder already inspirer
Invitations to conferences and free entries to all the festivals which will be broadcasted the documentary + all previous rewards
La collecte est terminée. Merci pour vos soutiens !
Pour nous contacter, vous pouvez nous laisser un commentaire dans la zone dédiée de cette page, nous suivre sur Facebook, ou retrouver notre site internet.
For € 10.00or more
A curious future builder:
An invitation to the premiere of the documentary with us
Our eternal gratitude and full of inspiration to change the world !
For € 25.00or more
A caring future builder
An invitation to the premiere of the documentary with us
Access to the digital version of the documentary
Our eternal gratitude and full of inspiration to change the world !
377 of 400 available
For € 50.00or more
A vested future builder
A random and custom task to perform accompanied by its little « kit Mission Sens Commun » + all previous rewards
285 of 300 available
For € 75.00or more
A music lover future builder
The CD of the soundtracks of the documentary to give inspiration at home + all previous rewards
299 of 300 available
For € 100.00or more
A famous future builder
Your name in the credits and acknowledgments of the documentary + all previous rewards
289 of 300 available
For € 200.00or more
An active future builder
A day of citizen action to do with us of a topic that interests you ! (Water, food , energy, waste , democracy , community life ...) + all previous rewards
299 of 300 available
For € 500.00or more
A great future builder already inspirer
Invitations to conferences and free entries to all the festivals which will be broadcasted the documentary + all previous rewards
Sens Commun The Journey – The Documentary
Sens Commun The Journey – The Documentary
Ayudanos a dar vida a ocho meses de grabacion de iniciativas inspiradoras.Help us to give life to eight months of inspiring initiatives shooting!
Dons, contreparties
This project was successful on 16/09/2016
La collecte est terminée. Merci pour vos soutiens !
Pour nous contacter, vous pouvez nous laisser un commentaire dans la zone dédiée de cette page, nous suivre sur Facebook, ou retrouver notre site internet.
7 presales
A curious future builder:
An invitation to the premiere of the documentary with us
Our eternal gratitude and full of inspiration to change the world !
23 presales
A caring future builder
An invitation to the premiere of the documentary with us
Access to the digital version of the documentary
Our eternal gratitude and full of inspiration to change the world !
377 of 400 available
15 presales
A vested future builder
A random and custom task to perform accompanied by its little « kit Mission Sens Commun » + all previous rewards
285 of 300 available
1 presale
A music lover future builder
The CD of the soundtracks of the documentary to give inspiration at home + all previous rewards
299 of 300 available
11 presales
A famous future builder
Your name in the credits and acknowledgments of the documentary + all previous rewards
289 of 300 available
1 presale
An active future builder
A day of citizen action to do with us of a topic that interests you ! (Water, food , energy, waste , democracy , community life ...) + all previous rewards
299 of 300 available
3 presales
A great future builder already inspirer
Invitations to conferences and free entries to all the festivals which will be broadcasted the documentary + all previous rewards
297 of 300 available
Sens Commun The Journey – The Documentary
Sens Commun The Journey – The Documentary
Ayudanos a dar vida a ocho meses de grabacion de iniciativas inspiradoras.Help us to give life to eight months of inspiring initiatives shooting!
Dons, contreparties
This project was successful on 16/09/2016
La collecte est terminée. Merci pour vos soutiens !
Pour nous contacter, vous pouvez nous laisser un commentaire dans la zone dédiée de cette page, nous suivre sur Facebook, ou retrouver notre site internet.
7 presales
A curious future builder:
An invitation to the premiere of the documentary with us
Our eternal gratitude and full of inspiration to change the world !
23 presales
A caring future builder
An invitation to the premiere of the documentary with us
Access to the digital version of the documentary
Our eternal gratitude and full of inspiration to change the world !
377 of 400 available
15 presales
A vested future builder
A random and custom task to perform accompanied by its little « kit Mission Sens Commun » + all previous rewards
285 of 300 available
1 presale
A music lover future builder
The CD of the soundtracks of the documentary to give inspiration at home + all previous rewards
299 of 300 available
11 presales
A famous future builder
Your name in the credits and acknowledgments of the documentary + all previous rewards
289 of 300 available
1 presale
An active future builder
A day of citizen action to do with us of a topic that interests you ! (Water, food , energy, waste , democracy , community life ...) + all previous rewards
299 of 300 available
3 presales
A great future builder already inspirer
Invitations to conferences and free entries to all the festivals which will be broadcasted the documentary + all previous rewards
297 of 300 available